
How is the wear resistance of ceramic tile evaluated?

Publish Time: 2024-07-15
The water absorption rate of ceramic tile, as an important indicator to measure the material characteristics and performance of ceramic tile, has a profound impact on the use of ceramic tile. The following is a detailed explanation of this impact:

The relationship between water absorption rate and the quality of ceramic tile

The water absorption rate of ceramic tile refers to the ability of ceramic tile to absorb water under standard atmospheric pressure, usually expressed as the weight of water absorbed by the ceramic tile as a percentage of its dry weight. The water absorption rate directly reflects the density and sintering degree of the ceramic tile, and is one of the key factors in evaluating the quality of ceramic tile. Generally speaking, the lower the water absorption rate of the ceramic tile, the denser its internal structure, and the better its impermeability, frost resistance, wear resistance and other properties, so it is regarded as a high-quality ceramic tile.

The impact of water absorption rate on the use environment

In different use environments, the water absorption rate of ceramic tile has different effects on its performance. For example, in areas with high humidity such as kitchens and bathrooms, Ceramic tiles with low water absorption can more effectively prevent water penetration and avoid problems such as moisture and mold on the back of Ceramic tiles, thereby extending the service life of Ceramic tiles. On the contrary, Ceramic tiles with high water absorption are prone to absorb water and swell in these environments, causing Ceramic tiles to crack and fall off.

Relationship between water absorption and anti-slip performance

The anti-slip performance of Ceramic tiles is also an important aspect that needs to be paid attention to during use. Although there is no direct causal relationship between water absorption and anti-slip performance, the surface of Ceramic tiles with low water absorption is usually smoother and more delicate, which is conducive to enhancing the friction between Ceramic tiles and the soles and improving anti-slip performance. The surface of Ceramic tiles with high water absorption may become rough due to water absorption, but the improvement of anti-slip performance in this case is not stable and is easily weakened due to the restoration of the surface flatness after the water evaporates.

Relationship between water absorption and cleaning and maintenance

Cleaning and maintenance of Ceramic tiles are also issues that need to be considered in daily use. Ceramic tiles with lower water absorption have denser surfaces and are less likely to absorb stains and dirt, making them easier and quicker to clean. Ceramic tiles with higher water absorption tend to form tiny pores on the surface, which are more likely to absorb stains and dirt, making cleaning more difficult. In addition, ceramic tiles with higher water absorption tend to swell and deform during cleaning, affecting the flatness and aesthetics of the ceramic tiles.

In summary, the water absorption of ceramic tiles has many effects on their use. When choosing ceramic tiles, you should choose the appropriate water absorption range based on the specific use environment and needs to ensure that the ceramic tiles can perform at their best performance and effect during use.

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